Client and project:the road map for finding the solutionProfessionalism, punctuality and the implementing rules; for studying Lantech each assignment should be followed with method, following a precise design path where the customer should be guided in the right direction, toward the optimal solution.
The study Lantech:all technology standards for designingand for engineeringThe study Lantech is equipped with all the technological standards for the design and engineering:centralized server, cad software, software for the simulation of hydraulic networks and eletteriche; tools for topography and software for 3d models for the design of roads; multifunctional tool for the control of electrical installations.
Design culture (cultural planning):the Project Cycle ManagementThe Treaty of Maastricht (1992) and the Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union (2004) endorsed the importance of fostering and enhancing the cultural dynamics and development of cultural heritage as the basis for the identity and the Union of the peoples of Europe.In this scenario, for the professional cultural design is starting to emerge as an independent discipline (cultural planning), whose Foundation is the Act under a multidisciplinary perspective: legal frameworks, knowledge and ability are interwoven with administrative, economic, social processes of territorial planning and marketing.The engineer then becomes even cultural designer working under the governance of the territory, must have the skills to offer to the actors (public or private) policies, methods, procedures that open up new possibilities for meetings and constructive linkages between systems (social, economic, cultural, touristic, and training).Protection, conservation, enhancement, management, promotion and enjoyment are the elements that guide the design process model traccieranno best defined by the European standards like Project Cycle Management (PCM).
Design: from Latin pro-iectare, "throwing forward"Planning we go every time in the construction of a dream (vision) and the ".dump constructively" in the communityTranslations by